Five powerful security tools that you may not have heard of

Five powerful security tools that you may not have heard of

Welcome to the important news site.

If you deal with the Internet a lot, you must know how important it is to be safe in the online environment where we spend hours every day. So, we will not talk about this topic too much and we will go straight to the main point of the matter.

The topic of today’s article is about what tools we should use to maintain our security online and whether we have used the right tools or not?

Because every minute, at least one computer becomes a victim of sophisticated attacks that standard antiviruses cannot deal with. But in order to strengthen the security guard of your systems against such attacks, we have a series of powerful tools for you that you may not have heard of before.

Why should we go to other software?

You might be saying to yourself after reading the above few lines: “I already have a good security software, so why should I go for a series of new tools that I haven’t even heard of?”

The answer to this question is simple: a security software alone cannot protect the security of all parts of your computer. It is true that they can deal with viruses, malware and many other things that you must know about.

However, these tools are not foolproof and cannot be expected to deal with everything. Therefore, it is better to use other software in addition to the tools we have on our systems so that nothing can easily threaten our online security. The tools we are talking about are:

1) InSpectre


You must have heard of Specter and Meltdown bugs by now. We have talked a lot about them in Digiato and if you click on this link, you can get more information about these security flaws. Of course, Mellat, Dawn, and Specter are not those things that can be fixed so easily.

Unfortunately, many computers are not immune to these security bugs, and getting updates only makes things worse. But fortunately, with the InSpectre software, it is very easy to find out about the vulnerability of the system processor to these bugs and deal with them by receiving security patches.

2) Angry IP Scanner


Angry IP Scanner is one of those softwares that you should install on your system if you have a router at home. Angry IP Scanner is a powerful application and proves this with 23 million downloads.

The good thing is that it has been released for almost all operating systems and it can be installed and run on Windows, Mac and even Linux. Angry IP Scanner is able to scan local networks using the IP range specified by you, and after the checks it does, it tells you exactly what devices are connected to your router and how much network bandwidth they occupy.

3) Cybereason RansomFree


You must have heard about ransomware. A series of highly destructive malware that locks the user’s system and blackmails him. 2017 was also the year of ransomware and almost every internet magazine we looked at, our eyes were constantly lit up by the beauty of their controversial news.

But the interesting thing is that dealing with ransomware is not that difficult and you just have to prepare yourself in advance. There are many tools that can make the security guard of the system resistant to such risks, one of which is RansomFree.

According to the developers of RansomFree, this security software is able to identify and deal with 99% of current ransomware and can be used to stop any malware that wants to blackmail you.

4) Disconnect


Do you think that when you enter a website, that website is the only one communicating with you? If you think so, I must say that you are very wrong. Because by entering a website, advertising services, analyzers, social networks and many other things that we don’t know about, they are constantly following our footsteps.

But very easily, using the Disconnect plugin, you can erase all traces and prevent various services from accessing the data being exchanged. It is interesting to know that thanks to the good performance of Disconnect in dealing with these services, you will get 44% more speed while browsing web pages, which is very good news in its own way.

5) Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit


Rootkits have always been dangerous. Powerful malware that can disable antiviruses and take full control of the system. When rootkits get into the system, there is nothing anyone can do, and after that you have to sit and watch all your data disappear.

Of course, all the things we said do not mean that there is no way to deal with rootkits. By the way, the opposite is true and there are many different solutions that can be used to fight rootkits and block their entry into the system.

One of the best possible solutions is Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit. A powerful software that by installing it, no rootkit will be allowed to enter and the security of the system will be greatly improved against these threats.

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