Check out the top 6 free CAD programs for Windows, Mac and Linux

Check out the top 6 free CAD programs for Windows, Mac and Linux

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Different types of CAD programs or computer-aided design software are used in many businesses and industries. With the help of such programs, it is not only possible to design two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects, but it is also possible to analyze them from different angles. In this regard, we would like to introduce you to 6 free CAD programs for Windows, Mac OS and Linux operating systems.

The selected CAD program is not the same in different disciplines or industries; However, many features and functions are common among them. Engineers, architects and designers are among the people who are usually connected with such software, which are provided to users at very high prices due to their specialized features. In this article, we are trying to introduce several alternatives to famous and expensive examples in Windows, Linux and MacOS operating systems, which provide at least the basic features for free.


LibreCAD software was developed with a focus on two-dimensional design and can be used to make complex two-dimensional drawings and designs suitable for laser cutting or other tools. The program’s built-in tools, including snap-ins, sizing, and scaling, can meet the needs of many users. Also, the program’s annotation feature can help people explain details better, and it will act like Microsoft’s Paint program with more features.

LibreCAD is an open source program that is available for Mac, Windows and Linux, and its use does not require any fees or subscription fees. To get its different versions, you can refer to the official download page of the software.


LeoCAD is one of the best options to use for educational purposes, allowing users to create virtual designs, different shapes and models using LEGO, which is ideal for beginners and young people. The combination of basic and advanced tools has made the target range of the software very wide. This title is published in the form of open text; As a result, its user community can continuously develop new capabilities and facilities. To download it for Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems, use this page.


Blender has emerged as one of the best computer design programs in recent years, which has the potential to be used in various fields. Although the nature of this software is very complex, it can provide various applications to its users. Also, the open source license has caused many additional features to be developed by the user community for it.

If you are looking for an advanced option to improve your design skills, Blender can be a great choice; The software is completely free to use. To access the source code of the program and download it for Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems, you can use this link.


The DesignSpark software environment is very similar to the popular AutoCAD program and has been proposed as a standard option for use in industries. Many visual features are built into it and it can be used as a free alternative to AutoCAD. Typically, users of this program deal with large designs such as construction drawings.

Although the basic features of the program are free, some features such as batch extraction of designs and advanced rendering are only found in the premium version. However, it seems that the free features of the software meet the needs of many users, and buying the paid version is not recommended for everyone. To get the program for different operating systems, you must first become a member on its site and then visit the download page.


Houdini is another popular software in this list that seems to be a head and neck higher than other competitors. Similar functionality to parametric modeling (similar to Blender) allows the user to change the properties of various designs or objects. The advanced features in the program enable its use in various industries and disciplines, and it is more popular in the fields of animation and game development.

All the features of the premium version of the software are also found in its free version; But there are some limitations, including the maximum rendering size of 720 x 1280 pixels and placing the Houdini logo on the designs in the free version. Visit this page to get Windows, Linux and Mac installation packages; Although membership in the manufacturer’s site is necessary before downloading.


FreeCAD program is a free alternative for designing 3D models that provides advanced settings and environment to its users. The nature of the software is modular, and various extensions can be used to increase its application in different fields, including robotics and machine mechanical processes (such as CNC).

FreeCAD software is published as open source, and for this reason, its user community has been able to develop a large number of appropriate plugins. Windows, Linux and Mac users can use this program. Its official download page can be accessed through this link.

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