What is the WPA3 security protocol and how does it increase the security of the Wi-Fi network?

What is the WPA3 security protocol and how does it increase the security of the Wi-Fi network?

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For years, we have known the best personal Wi-Fi protection option when setting up a modem, namely WPA2. WPA2 or “Wi-Fi Protected Access Second Generation” is a standard network security feature that uses the AES password encryption method. Not long ago, the reference body in this field is “Wi-Fi Alliance” Introduced the third generation of this technology, the WPA3 security protocol.

پروتکل امنیتی WPA3

The WPA3 security protocol is an updated version of this standard that can provide more security, something that seems absolutely necessary in today’s world with the expansion of wireless networks and related security threats. In this article, we want to review the new features and how WPA3 works.

How does WPA work?

The WPA security protocol uses the handshaking security evaluation system. In this method, it is ensured that all devices in wireless communication are placed on a common platform and work well.

In WPA2, the four-way handshake process is performed between two client devices connected to the network and two wireless access points (access points) used. The WPA2 system checks all devices to make sure their passwords are the same. Then it starts transferring the encrypted data between them and finally, after the end of the transfer process, it makes it possible to decode the information at the destination.

پروتکل امنیتی WPA3

The most important advantage of the WPA2 system is that it disables many common types of data theft, or at least makes them very difficult and expensive to implement. As you know, many Wi-Fi hacking attacks are “man in the middle” (MITM) or similar methods that try to steal wireless data in transit. WPA2 technology encrypts the data in such a way that even stealing them will not be useful for hackers, because they do not have the ability to decrypt them.

What is the difference between WPA3 and WPA2?

The WPA2 protocol has worked well for many years, but due to the advancement of technology and new methods of stealing users’ valuable information by hackers, it seems a little outdated. Now WPA3 increases its security by adding four new features to the encryption process.

Better encryption for guest users

پروتکل امنیتی WPA3

Open or guest Wi-Fi networks that are established in public centers such as coffee shops or libraries are one of the most insecure communication options. In the WPA3 security protocol, information is encrypted individually and independently, that is, your connection to an open wireless network will be directly encrypted, even if the network in question lacks security options and passwords. This change can be considered one of the most important and necessary changes.

Handover process update

The WPA2 security protocol was completely vulnerable to hardware-level attacks and weak passwords. Of course, weak passwords will always and everywhere be a problem. Now, to prevent this type of vulnerability, it uses a new method of manipulation that is more resistant to password cracking techniques or other brute force options.

Better communication with the Internet of Things

The WPA2 security protocol was designed to be compatible with common portable devices such as mobile phones and laptops, devices that have displays and are easy to enter passwords or access wireless settings. Now we see many smart devices that do not have displays or data entry tools, or their related applications are not designed to fully manage wireless communication.

پروتکل امنیتی WPA3

To simplify these processes, the WPA3 security protocol uses new methods to configure network security without the need for a display. Of course, there are still no more details in this regard, but probably advanced and safe pairing methods have been used for this purpose.

192-bit security package

This state-of-the-art security standard uses the CNSA algorithm to provide the protection required for high-level government operations, intelligence and security agencies, and top-secret industrial projects. In this way, the above institutions and organizations can easily use Wi-Fi networks with confidence.

What do manufacturing companies do?

The main question is, when will we, as consumers, achieve this new standard? The answer to this question is not so simple. The WPA3 security protocol is a huge upgrade for wireless devices and equipment, meaning it can’t be achieved with just a firmware upgrade or minor hardware changes.

پروتکل امنیتی WPA3

In order to comply with this standard, manufacturing companies must completely redesign and build communication equipment, so that they can implement all four basic changes in the WPA3 security protocol and receive the relevant certificate.

In addition, the spread of this standard also requires a lot of time. Only one device compatible with WPA3 is of no use, but all end devices (mobile phones, laptops and other devices connected to the network) and access points (modem/router) must be compatible with this protocol, otherwise there will be a change in the communication and security process. The network will not be created.

However, it seems that this year, we will witness the presence of the first network equipment such as routers with WPA3 support in prestigious technology exhibitions, which of course are also compatible with WPA2 and will work with this common standard for a long time. did.

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